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Wellness Grove was founded in 2020 by Dr. Jessica Headley and Shaun Swiger with the dream of offering the most advanced, professional, and streamlined mental health and wellness services to the community and beyond. We provide individual, couples, and family counseling sessions that can be attended in-person or remotely through telehealth. Additionally, we offer various mental health and wellness programs to businesses and organizations, as well as mental health providers. Our services are for everyone.

So, what’s the meaning behind our name?


Optimizing wellness for all persons is at the forefront of our organization.

Wellness is a state of living that involves being more aware of – and making choices toward – happier, healthier, and more empowered versions of ourselves.

We believe that wellness is:

  • Holistic and multidimensional – including multiple and interrelated aspects of our lives related to emotional, physical, mental, social, career, and spiritual well-being.
  • Dynamic and complex – consisting of an in-depth understanding of areas of growth and the development of effective skills to maximize strengths.
  • Active and intentional – involving on-going and proactive thinking about fulfilling the achievable life experiences we desire for ourselves.
  • Contagious and transformational – wellness makes our lives better, as well as the lives of others.


Metaphorically, we believe that each of us is an individual tree within a larger grove.

At times, we need…

  • A more developed, deeper root system (or, to be grounded in our core values and beliefs)
  • Stronger trunks (or, resources and supports that provide us strength)
  • Fuller branches (or, additional coping strategies and skills)
  • More leaves (or, the celebration of our resiliency, successes, gifts, strengths, and talents)

As individual trees are nurtured, other trees as part of the grove (loved ones, co-workers, community members) are nurtured as well.

Like trees in a grove, we all have an innate potential to grow and transform.

A word from our CEO

Now is the Time for Mental Health and Wellness

According to the most current mental health statistics provided by the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. live with a mental health issue. When it comes to adolescents, the statistics are even more staggering: nearly half are estimated to have a mental health issue. Heartbreakingly, it is estimated that among all of these individuals only 50% will receive treatment.

These statistics needs to change. And, we need to change – as individuals, families, workplaces, and communities. Join us in prioritizing mental health and wellness, now and tomorrow – and each day moving forward on our journeys for growth and transformation.


We are always looking for experienced and talented Mental Health Counselors


Wellness Grove

Empowering others one connection at a time
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